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ReelAbilities Film Festival banner

2017 ReelAbilities Film Festival – May 8-11

ReelAbilities Film Festival Toronto showcases disability and Deaf cultures through film, and the art and talent of artists with disabilities and Deaf artists. Festival Website - http://toronto.reelabilities.org/ Festival Program - http://toronto.reelabilities.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2017/04/ReelAbilities_filmguide_online_2.pdf Press Release - http://toronto.reelabilities.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2017/03/RAFFMediaRelease_FINAL.pdf

Inclusive Yoga Community Toronto

An accessible and inclusive yoga community that welcomes people of all abilities to practice together. 2:00 pm Saturdays with Shana Sandler April 8th – May 27th at Trinity St. Paul’s Centre, 427 Bloor St.W. $10 Suggested Donation or PWYC. For more information please connect at shanayoga1@gmail.com

March of Dimes Canada is offering a March Break camp

March of Dimes Canada is offering a March Break camp for children ages 3-12 with neurological conditions, March 13-17 at 10 Overlea Boulevard, Toronto. Different timing options are available to suit parents' needs. The camp offers a unique rehabilitation program, Conductive Education, which has been specifically

Seeking PWD to participate in a PSA to promote inclusion in the workplace

Seeking people with visible and non visible disabilities, ages 25 to 60. We are looking for men and women of all ethnic backgrounds. SEEKING TO FIND INDIVIDUALS WITH BUT NOT LIMITED TO: VISION LOSS HEARING LOSS ASSISTIVE DEVICES (e.g. PROSTHESES, MOBILITY DEVICES) PHYSICAL/MOBILITY DISABILITIES MENTAL HEALTH DISABILITIES

Winter basketball with Special Olympics and Megacity Basketball

Megacity Basketball will be running a winter session of their Special Olympics Ontario program.  Please see below for details.  Registration will take place on the first day of the program. If you have any questions please contact Javed Thadani – javedt@specialolympicsontario.com   Participants:  Athletes 21 and under Location: Centennial