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Volunteers Needed for a Research Study

Exploring the Experiences and Perceptions of Adults Aged 50 Years or Greater with Spinal Cord Injury on Participation in Sport PURPOSE: To explore the perceptions and experiences of adults aged 50 years or greater with spinal cord injury (SCI) who participate in sport in Canada. WHO: Anyone

TASC recipient of Jumpstart’s Sport Relief Fund

We are excited to share that the Toronto Accessible Sports Fund (TASC) has been selected by @CTJumpstart to receive a grant from their Sport Relief Fund. This grant will go a long way towards helping us to connect people with disabilities to accessible sports and

Physical Therapy Fitness Centres and Walking Tracks

The following ten (10) community centre locations will be made available to ensure individuals with disabilities can access physical therapy while Toronto remains in lockdown. Call the centre to book an appointment. Albion Pool and Health Club 1501 Albion Rd. Open Monday to Friday, 2 p.m. to 8