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We have collected a series of free and paid-for Coaching resources. Most of these focus on coaching participants with a disability or focus on the area of adaptive and para sport programming.

Story-Based Practical Resource for Coaches and Coach Educators in Disability Sport

Canadian Disability Participation Project

A Story of Transformational Coaching in Disability Sport

PDF: CDPP Story-Based Practical Resource
PDF: CDPP Discussion Guide

Accessible Virtual Facilitation Training

Abilities Centre

Learn best practices to make your virtual training more inclusive.

Video: Accessible Virtual Facilitation Training

NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability

Coaching Association of Canada

Many coaches who have never worked with athletes with a disability feel that, to be effective, they need highly specialized skills, knowledge, or training. This is a misperception. In fact, most coaches who work with athletes with a disability soon discover that coaching these participants is fundamentally no different than coaching any other athlete. The challenge is to truly understand the person, to focus on their abilities, and to see what they can achieve.

The module is delivered via on-demand eLearning in the Locker at a cost of $15.

Manual: Coaching Athletes with a Disability

Resource Guide: Supporting Young Athletes Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing in a Mainstream Setting

Coaching Kids of All Abilities


An online resource that helps coaches and youth activity leaders create inclusive sporting environments for kids of all abilities.

Video introduction

Getting started

Training Athletes with a Physical Disability

Sport for Life

Athletes with a disability pass through the same stages of Long-Term Athlete Development as their able bodied peers, and much of the training of their five S’s – Strength, Stamina, Suppleness, Speed and Skill is similar to that of other athletes.


Link to resource

No Accidental Champions: Long-Term Development for All (3rd Edition)

Sport for Life

This document tells readers how the Canadian sport system can best accommodate their needs for increased activity and greater achievement through Long-Term Development (LTD).


Link to Resource

Disability and Exercise Training Resources for Health Care and Exercise Professionals

Canadian Disability Participation Project (CDPP)

The suite of CDPP Disability and Exercise Training resources present six evidence-informed steps along with key considerations for health care and exercise professionals for discussing, prescribing and adapting exercise for patients or clients with a disability.

Link to website and resource

A Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children and Youth with Intellectual Disabilities

Special Olympics Canada in partnership with the Canadian Disability Participation Project (CDPP)

This Blueprint introduces program leaders and volunteers to key concepts that underpin quality participation (i.e., the building blocks of quality participation) to better facilitate quality sport experiences for young athletes with intellectual disabilities.


Link to resource

Moving to Inclusion

Active Living Alliance

Welcome to the Moving to Inclusion Online Learning Tool. This is an effective training and professional development tool for those who are working in or training for a career in recreation, fitness, education, sport and active living fields.