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For those with disabilities, there are many adaptive sports and recreation programs that can be enjoyed for health, wellness, leisure, social, and competition benefits.

For those looking to purchase their own adaptive sport equipment, we have made directory of vendors based on sport or class of sport. If you know of any more please get in touch with us. The more information we can share with the public the more empowered individuals will be to become and stay active.

Alpine Skiing

Enabling Technologies
SitSkis, Outriggers, Snow Sliders, Para Nordic (Cross County)


49 Bespoke
Race chair, WCBball, WC Rugby, WC Tennis, Hand Cycle


Beep Baseball (Blind Baseball)

Toronto Blind Jays
Arthur Pressick – General Manager
Email: torontoblindjays@gmail.com
Web: http://torontoblindjays.com/


All Abilities Baseball

Challenger Baseball
(Downtown Toronto Challenger League)
Yifan Weng (Coordinator);
Phone: 647-459-8084
Web: octavia.weng@gmail.com


49 Bespoke
Race chair, WCBball, WC Rugby, WC Tennis, Hand Cycle


Ontario Cerebral Palsy Sports Association



Meadowvale Bicycle Service (specialists in Tandem bikes)
2964 Keynes Crescent
Mississauga, Ontario
L5N 3A1

Phone: 905-824-9364
E-mail: mbstandems@gmail.com
Website: http://mbstandems.ca/

49 Bespoke
Race chair, WCBball, WC Rugby, WC Tennis, Hand Cycle


Web: https://evolutionVN.com
Email: hello@evolutionVN.com
Phone: 844-386-2733

The Evolution is a compact wheelchair- and disability-friendly exercise and physical therapy unit design for people of all ages, skills, and (dis)abilities.

Resolution Fitness
Web: http://www.resolutionfitness.ca/
Email: hello@resolutionfitness.ca
Phone: (416) 906-8185

Resolution Fitness offers expert industry advice and professional fitness equipment, for commercial and home settings. In addition to traditional health club machines, Resolution Fitness specializes in adaptive and wheelchair accessible products.


Toronto Terminators (OBSA Club)
Hillcrest Community Centre
1339 Bathurst St
Toronto, ON M5R 3E6
Web: https://blindsports.on.ca/goalball-organizations/
Email: richard@blindsports.on.ca


ParaGolfer Cart
Clark Calwell
Phone: (416) 996-2825
Email: paragolferagent@gmail.com


Blind Hockey

Canadian Blind Hockey (GTA Youth Division)
1929 Bayview Ave
Toronto, ON  M4G 3E8
Web: https://canadianblindhockey.com/gta-youth-blind-hockey-team/
Email: lucademontis@blindicehockey.com
Phone: (604) 812-6786

Toronto Ice Owls
Agincourt Recreation Centre
31 Glen Watford Drive
Scarborough, ON M1S 1A1
Web: http://www.iceowls.ca/
Email: wayne.st.denis@gmail.com

Para Hockey (Sledge)

Unique Inventions Inc.
1632 Chemong Road
Peterborough, ON
K9J 6X2
Web: https://uniqueinventionsinc.com/
Email: uniqueinventions@nexicom.net
Phone: 1.888.886.0881

Power Wheelchair

Canadian Electric Wheelchair Hockey Association – Toronto Division
Web: http://toronto.cewha.ca
Email: info@cewha.ca
Phone: (416) 757-8544

PowerHockey Toronto
Web: www.powerhockeytoronto.com
Email: info@powerhockeytoronto.com
Phone: (416) 522-3003

Toronto Power Wheelchair Hockey League
Web: www.tpwhl.com
Email: torontopwhl@gmail.com
Phone: (416) 690-1412


Blind Soccer (5-aside)

Ontario Blind Sports Association (OBSA)
100 Sunrise Avenue
Unit 101
Toronto, Ontario, M4A 1B3
Phone: (416) 426-7244
Web: https://blindsports.on.ca/sports/5-side-soccer/
Email: richard@blindsports.on.ca

Mixed Ability Soccer

North Toronto Nitros Soccer 
1041 Avenue Road, Suite 5
Toronto ON M5N 2C5
Phone: (416) 399-4793
Email: dougblair@ntsoccer.com
Web: https://www.ntsoccer.com/Community/NTSCInclusivePrograms

Toronto High Park FC
3136 Dundas Street West
Toronto, ON M6P 2A1
Phone: (416) 766-0247
Email: info@thpfc.ca
Web: https://thpfc.ca/all-abilities/


Para Swimming (Physical Disabilities)

Variety Village (Integrated, Mixed Abilities)
Flames Swim Team
3701 Danforth Avenue
Scarborough, ON  M1N 2G2
Web: https://www.varietyvillage.ca/sports/sports-teams/
Email: aatell@varietyontario.ca
Phone: (416) 699 7167

Developmental/Cognitive Disabilities

Aquatics Academy
(Aquatics Academy AUTISwiM® Program)

Web: https://www.aquaticsacademy.ca/program/swimming-lessons-child-autism-autiswim
Email: info@aquaticsacademy.ca
Phone: 647.350.SWIM

Buckler Aquatics
North York / Mississauga / Scarborough
Web: https://www.buckleraquatics.com/specialized-programs
Email: info@buckleraquatics.com
Phone: 416-499-0151

Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
Adapted Splash Club (City of Toronto)
875 Morningside Ave
Toronto, ON M1C 0C7
Phone: 416-283-5222
Web: https://tpasc.ca/item/adapted-splash-club
Email: info@tpasc.ca

Variety Village (Special Olympics)
Sunshine Swim Team
3701 Danforth Avenue
Scarborough, ON  M1N 2G2
Web: https://www.varietyvillage.ca/sports/sports-teams/sunshine-swim/
Email: info@varietyvillage.on.ca

Phone: (416) 699 7167

Wheelchair Sports

49 Bespoke
Race chair, WC Basketball, WC Rugby, WC Tennis, Hand Cycle

Sunrise Medical
WC Basketball, WC Tennis, WC Rugby, Multisport