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Toronto Sport Summit

Community sport leaders of clubs, leagues, multi-sport organizations, other community sport program providers and funding partners are invited to join Toronto Sports Council, Toronto Accessible Sports Council, Humber College, Sport Management Program and the City of Toronto for a full day of workshops, discussions, a

Feedback needed from Parents/Guardians of para athletes

In 2017 Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities launched the Play Finds a Way movement, announcing a $50 million commitment over five years to remove both physical and financial barriers to give kids of all abilities greater access to sport and play. As part of this movement, Jumpstart

Variety Village Summer Camp registration open

Camping is for everyone, and Variety Village offers a variety of programs to ensure we meet the needs and interests of your camper. Variety Village is pleased to offer Summer Day Camps to children of all abilities. Summer Day Camps offer new experiences, skill building, a

Toronto Sport Summit banner photo

2018 Toronto Sport Summit

Toronto's signature community-sport networking and capacity-building event. Community-sport leaders of clubs, leagues, multi-sport organizations, funding partners and other community sport program providers are invited to join the Toronto Sports Council, and Toronto Accessible Sports Council, Humber College and the City of Toronto for a full day

Safari Walking Group

This week Safari will try again to get in our usual early season walk on the familiar paths of High Park. We tried this in April and rain forced us to turn it into a breakfast outing to the Grenadier restaurant. So come out and