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We're quite the bloggers

David C. Onley Award for Leadership in Accessibility

Do you know an individual or an organization who has worked to create opportunities and break down barriers for Ontarians with disabilities? The David C. Onley Award for Leadership in Accessibility remains open for nominations until February 26, 2021. There are four award categories: the Employee Engagement Award the

Community parasport – The experiences of female youth

This Sport Information Resource Centre article explores the experiences of female youth participants in a community multi-sport parasport program, providing insight into program components that can enhance, or detract from, their introduction to sport experiences. https://sirc.ca/blog/community-parasport/

TASC recognized for work in Inclusion

Thanks to @CrescendoWork for listing us in their '25 Toronto Diversity and Inclusion Organizations You Can Support' https://bit.ly/2EwYvDH #communitysupport#inclusionmatters