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Para Rowing Try It Day at Argonaut Rowing Club

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Para Rowing Try It Day at Argonaut Rowing Club

May 28, 2023

Together with Rowing Canada and as part of Doors Open Toronto, the Argonaut Rowing Club welcomes you to visit their club on Sunday, May 28 and try the fun and accessible sport of rowing.

Their club trophy room boasts 150 years of history with photos and prized hardware. But you don’t need to be a competitive athlete to enjoy rowing and its many benefits of fitness and fun.

Join them to give it a try! They’ll start you on our indoor rowing machines with a view of the lake and then move to dockside rowing where you can dip an oar in the water.

Our para rowers and coaches will be on hand to tell you about our program and answer your questions.

Try Rowing Day is free and they’ll even arrange accessible transportation thanks to support from Rowing Canada Aviron.

Interested? Contact us at para@argonautrowingclub.com


May 28, 2023
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Argonaut Rowing Club
(416) 532-2803
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Argonaut Rowing Club
1225 Lake Shore Blvd W
Toronto, Ontario M6K 3C1 Canada
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